A Quanticalc clinical comparison of professional efficiency in manual supragingival calculus debridement

Autor: D J, White, E R, Cox, L, Bacca, A C, Lanzalaco, R M, Montgomery, M, Coyle-Rees, B B, Beiswanger, M, Mau, J, Arends
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: The Journal of clinical dentistry. 7(2 Spec)
ISSN: 0895-8831
Popis: The Quanticalc (QC) dental scaler permits the assessment of work effort expended by professionals in removing supragingival calculus from the teeth. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency of two professionals in scaling calculus under controlled clinical conditions in like populations. One-hundred and thirty-one subjects were randomly assigned to two professionals, A and B, for QC scaling of their six Volpe-Manhold Index (VMI) teeth. VMI assessments were carried out by a separate examiner prior to QC cleaning. The QC was used to record total developed force, total strokes and force/stroke used in calculus debridement. Results demonstrated significant differences in scaling efficiency between the two professionals. These results further demonstrate the potential utility of the QC and like devices in assisting in the instruction of professionals toward the development of more efficient manual scaling procedures.
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