[Programmed autologous transfusion in coronary surgery: experience with 106 patients]

Autor: M F, Fruchart, F, Héritier, P, Weiss, M, Simonneau, C, Boulat, J P, Bourdarias
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Revue francaise de transfusion et d'hemobiologie : bulletin de la Societe nationale de transfusion sanguine. 34(1)
ISSN: 1140-4639
Popis: Patients undergoing elective coronary bypass surgery can benefit from Preoperative Autologous Blood Donation (PAB), despite some opinions to the contrary, as a complement of intra-operative blood salvage techniques. We report herein 106 patients eligible for coronary bypass surgery included in our PAB program. We observed a very good tolerance owing to strict exclusion criteria, a close monitoring of vital signs, and as far as we are concerned, to the infusion of a macromolecular solution (Plasmion) in a 1:1 ratio, to maintain intra-vascular volume. We chose a volume replacement because the physiological adaptation to hypovolemia is altered by the beta-blocking and/or vasodilating agents which cannot be discontinued in patients with coronary heart disease. The changes in the hematological parameters are not different from those observed in other patients eligible for PAB. The postoperative hemoglobin level is satisfactory and compatible with a normal myocardial function inasmuch as the cardiopathy has been corrected. The efficiency of PAB is good since overall, 74% of the patients did not require homologous blood, this proportion rises to 84% for patients donating 3 or more units. Preoperative Autologous Blood Donation for patients with coronary heart disease implies a perfect coordination between the Blood Bank physicians and their colleagues from the Cardiology Department. Aside from its well known advantages, PAB allows a stimulation of erythropoiesis, a progressive normovolemic hemodilution perhaps beneficial to patients with coronary heart disease, and finally, a better psychological preparation to surgery.
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