[Assessment of a mass screening program for breast cancer in the Milan Health Unit 1 (ASL Provincia di Milano 1)]

Autor: Rossella, Barni, Silvia, Bolzoni, Chiara, Bonazzi, Rossella, Burani, Giuseppe, Del Corno, Anna, Galetti, Carlo, Maggioni, Guia, Marinoni, Anna, Pavan, Elena, Pirola, Firouzeh, Setoud
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Igiene e sanita pubblica. 58(1-2)
ISSN: 0019-1639
Popis: This study examines the early data of a breast cancer screening campaign (Progetto Donna) set up by the Milan Health Unit 1 in 1999. The authors have focused on some basic organizational aspects of such campaign and the patients' high response to the project showed a good efficiency of this initiative, aimed at informing and awakening people. The high rate of suspiciously positive results checked in several Hospitals, led to a careful assessment of the quality and the standards of radiology services.
Databáze: OpenAIRE