[Thymus involution and recovery in mice after the administration of lipopolysaccharide]

Autor: N I, Koval'skaia, G F, Maksimova, A R, Akramov
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny. 109(3)
ISSN: 0365-9615
Popis: The single injection of 50 micrograms LPS induces polyclonal immune response in the spleen of (CBA x C57B1/6) F1 mice. It is accompanied by the thymic involution and depletion of blasts and mitoses, as showed morphometric analysis. Vinblastin does not induce: accumulation of the mitoses during the first and second days after LPS injection. The regeneration of the thymus begins already from the second day with increasing of blast cells, reaching a maximum at the 3rd day. The mitosis wave retards two days and achieves peak at the 5th day. The regeneration of the thymus finishes at the 13th day aster LPS injection, but the blast number is higher, than the control level.
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