[Health of Tbilisi underground metro workers under modern social and economic conditions in Georgia]

Autor: N, Khunashvili, M, Tsimakuridze, R, Kverenchkhi-Ladze, Maia P, Tsimakuridze, L, Bakradze
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Georgian medical news. (203)
ISSN: 1512-0112
Popis: The aim of the research was to study the health of Tbilisi underground metro workers under modern social-economic conditions in Georgia. Occupational pathology of the cardiovascular, digestive systems, psycho-emotional state, osteo-articular apparatus were found statistically significant among the basic group workers, more frequently in comparing with a control group without professional contact to major harmful factors (vibration, noise, meteorological conditions, air pollution environment with dust and toxic gases p0.001). On the basis of hygienic-clinical relationship between working conditions and a state of health are established.
Databáze: OpenAIRE