Efficiency robust tests of independence in contingency tables with ordered classifications

Autor: M J, Podgor, J L, Gastwirth, C R, Mehta
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Statistics in medicine. 15(19)
ISSN: 0277-6715
Popis: Ordered categorical data occur frequently in biomedical research. The linear by linear association test for ordered R x C tables permits the investigator to specify row and column scores for analysis. When an investigator believes that there may be more than one set of reasonable scores or when more than one investigator proposes scores, we need a method to decide upon a single procedure to use. We show how to use efficiency robustness principles to combine tests from two or more sets of scores into one robust test for analysis. This test minimizes the worst possible efficiency loss over all the sets of scores. We illustrate the methodology for the R x C case and, in detail, for the important special 2 x C case.
Databáze: OpenAIRE