Anthracycline-formaldehyde conjugates and their targeted prodrugs

Autor: Tad H, Koch, Benjamin L, Barthel, Brian T, Kalet, Daniel L, Rudnicki, Glen C, Post, David J, Burkhart
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Topics in current chemistry. 283
ISSN: 0340-1022
Popis: The sequence of research leading to a proposal for anthracycline cross-linking of DNA is presented.The clinical anthracycline antitumor drugs are anthraquinones, and as such are redox active. Their redoxchemistry leads to induction of oxidative stress and drug metabolites. An intermediate in reductive glycosidiccleavage is a quinone methide, once proposed as an alkylating agent of DNA. Subsequent research nowimplicates formaldehyde as a mediator of anthracycline-DNA cross-linking. The cross-link at 5'-GC-3'sites consists of a covalent linkage from the amino group of the anthracycline to the 2-amino groupof the G-base through a methylene from formaldehyde, hydrogen bonding from the 9-OH to the G-base onthe opposing strand, and hydrophobic interactions through intercalation of the anthraquinone. The combinationof these interactions has been described as a virtual cross-linkof DNA. The origin of the formaldehyde in vivo remains a mystery. In vitro, doxorubicin reacts withformaldehyde to give firstly a monomeric oxazolidine, doxazolidine, and secondly a dimeric oxazolidine,doxoform. Doxorubicin reacts with formaldehyde in the presence of salicylamide to give the N-Mannich baseconjugate, doxsaliform. Doxsaliform is several fold more active in tumor cell growth inhibition than doxorubicin,but doxazolidine and doxoform are orders of magnitude more active than doxorubicin. Exploratory researchon the potential for doxsaliform and doxazolidine as targeted cytotoxins is presented. A promisinglead design is pentyl PABC-Doxaz, targeted to a carboxylesterase enzyme overexpressed in liver cancercells and/or colon cancer cells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE