[Characteristics of the dosage of sodium hydrocarbonate for correction of metabolic acidosis in surgical patients]

Autor: A E, Dubitskiĭ, L P, Chepkiĭ, V Iu, Butylin, V P, Tsertiĭ, E A, Detsenko
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia. (5-6)
ISSN: 0201-7563
Popis: It has been established that in conditions of intraoperative blood and plasma loss base deficiency is determined not only by hypocarbonatemia, but also by hypoproteinemia, hypophosphatemia and HCO3 metabolism disturbances caused by anemia. Correction of metabolic acidosis in such patients should include infusions of NaHCO3, protein preparations, blood, phosphates. Mellemgaard and Astrup's technique presupposes correction of the deficiency of all buffer bases only with NaHCO3, which dramatically increases its dosage. Thus, it is evident that the technique should be revised. The comparison of the results of metabolic acidosis correction using a conventional and adapted techniques (hydrocarbonate dose in mmol or ml of a 8.4% solution is 24-SB.body weight.0.2%) in statistically homogeneous groups has shown that differentiated "polybuffer" correction of metabolic acidosis with adapted NaHCO3 dose 1.7 times more frequently normalized acid-base balance parameters, reducing the risk of the onset of post-correction metabolic alkalosis to minimum.
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