[Case of caesarean section using Cell Savers5+ in a patient with the placenta accreta associated with massive hemorrhage]

Autor: Yoshiyuki, Araki, Isao, Fukuda, Ichiro, Kamiya, Yoshitaka, Tsujimoto, Shinya, Sugahara, Tomiei, Kazama
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology. 58(4)
ISSN: 0021-4892
Popis: Placenta accreta which occurs as a complication of total placenta previa is comparatively rare. And the diagnosis of placenta accreta before the caesarean section (C-section) is difficult. We experienced an extremely difficult anesthesia management of placenta accrete because of critical hemorrhage during C-section. We used self-blood collection device Cell Saver5+ (Haemonetics Japan Ltd, Tokyo) for the massive bleeding of 25,500 ml. The Cell Saver could be used to treat life threatening bleeding in C-section without any side effects, although it is thought that the use of the self-blood collection device during C-section had the danger of the amniotic fluid embolism and fetal red cell ontamination. It is necessary to consider using the Cell Saver in the obstetrical operation for life-saving medical treatment in response to unexpected massive bleeding.
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