[Feasability of a heart valve bank in Dakar. (Preliminary study of 8 human hearts)]

Autor: M, Ba, J M, Dangou, O, Diarra, Y, Thiongane, C S, Boye, M, Ndiaye
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Dakar medical. 46(1)
ISSN: 0049-1101
Popis: Authors record a preliminary study led so as to develope techniques of preparation of the cardiac homograft valves. Eight human hearts have been appropriated in the course of medico-legal autopsy. Under sterile hodd, the heart was dissected, aortic and pulmonary valves as well as a mitral valve fragment were collected for a total of 24 valvular levies. After sterlization in an antibiotic solution, valves were preserved at 4 degrees C for the mitral fragment specimen of fresh allograft and to - 196 degrees C in Nitrogen liquidates for the pulmonary and aortic valves. The control of graft quality had consisted in tests of competence during the dissection, to the evaluation of the histological study as well as tests of sterility. Cellular cultures had shown a fibroblast proliferation in 3 cases. It concerned an indeed reliable method but difficult and little sensitivity. Histological tests had shown two types of injurie: the myxoid degeneration (7 times on 8 valves) cryopreserved and a coagulative necrosis whose distribution was identical forthe two modes of conservation. Antibiotic's solution seemed to induce these injuries as do heart ischemia, and the traumatism lihleed to the great cold. The tests of sterility had shown a rate of contamination to 25 % essentially by Pseudomonas. In view of the installation of a behle of allograft bank of quality, we'll need to improve conditions of leavy, to use a freezer adaptation for progressive cryocongelation and the choice of simple method to evaluate valvular viabilty.
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