Assessment of oral health status among uncontrolled diabetic mellitus patients in Tunisia

Autor: Imen, Sebai, Aroua, Temessek, Aida, Chelly, Takwa, Harrabi, Faika, Ben Mami
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: La Tunisie medicale. 97(2)
ISSN: 2724-7031
Popis: To assess oral health status of Tunisian diabetic mellitus patients.We carried a cross-sectional study among 100 uncontrolled diabetic mellitus patients. An oral health survey was developed to collect their socio-demographic characteristics and to assess their oral health behavior. Each patient benefited of an oral examination. Clinical and biological data were collected from medical file of patients.In terms of number of brushings, 44% of diabetic mellitus patients brushed their teeth at least twice a day, 25% brushed once a day, 10% occasionally and 21% did not used to brush their teeth. The last visit to a dentist dated since less than a year ago for 48% of participants and 8% reported that they hadn't never visit a dentist. Oral hygiene and the rate of dental consultation were correlated with gender but not with glycemic control. Only 17% had complete dentition, 75% were partially dentate and 8% were completely edentulous. More than half of the diabetics had at least 5 missing teeth. About 67% had had experienced tooth decay. The presence of tooth decay was not correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). The examining dentist estimated that nine out of ten patients required dental care.The oral health status of diabetic mellitus patients in Tunisia was bad. The need for dental care was real and high but often overlooked. The establishment of a national oral health care policy seems to be a national priority today.
Databáze: OpenAIRE