[Perineal groove in pediatric gynecology: a report of 2 cases]

Autor: Carolina, Pastene S, Francisca, Rojas M
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Revista chilena de pediatria. 85(4)
ISSN: 0717-6228
Popis: the perineal groove is a very uncommon anorectal anomaly. It is the result of an unknown embryology anomaly. The perineal groove is a wet sulcus extending from de fourchette to the anus. It is a benign pathology and tends to resolve spontaneously.We report two cases of girls diagnosed with perineal groove and their follow up.The first case is an 18 days old baby girl, that during her first clinical examination there was found a painless lineal lesion in the perineum from the fourchette to the anus, which created a big anxiety in her family. She was cared at the Pediatric Gynecology Unit, with local lubrication, doing well with the epithelization of it. The second case is an 8 year-old girl who consulted because, when being a child, she was diagnosed with a perineal lesion, but she didn't receive any special treatment and now she feels some aches in the perineum.The perineal groove is a benign entity pretty unknown by general practitioners or pediatricians. It is important to be up to date with this condition to avoid alarming misinterpretations.
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