[Autoantibodies to glial fibrillary acid protein in patients with different forms of cerebral vascular pathology]

Autor: P R, Kamchatnov, A V, Chugunov, N Iu, Ruliaeva, S F, Dugin, L I, Buriachkovskaia, Kh Ia, Umarova
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova. 108(11)
ISSN: 1997-7298
Popis: Autoantibodies to neurospecific proteins are currently reported to play a role in the development of organic brain damage. To study a diagnostic value of concentration of autoantibodies to glial fibrillary acid protein (AAB to GFAP), the latter was determined in the blood serum of patients with different forms of cerebral vascular damage. The 1st group included 22 patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency, stage II, the 2nd - 14 patients with ischemic heart disease without sings of cerebral damage and the 3rd - 27 patients with acute ischemic carotid stroke. A control group consisted of 35 healthy volunteers. AAB to GFAP level was determined using ELISA. The maximal concentration of AAB to GFAP was found in patients with stroke (2,27+/-0,30 mkg/ml) that was significantly higher compared to the controls (0,95+/-0,03 mkg/ml, p0,05) and the 2nd group (0,95+/-0,04 mkg/ml, p0,05). The AAB to GFAP concentration was higher (2,98+/-0,45 mkg/ml, p0,05) in patients with favorable outcome of stroke than in those with fatal outcome or severe debilitation (1,29+/-0,08 mkg/ml, p0,05). The data obtained show a correlation of AAB to GFAP concentration with character and severity of cerebral vascular pathology that allows to suggest their assessment as a predictive factor.
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