[Cryptosporidiosis in Ivorian children form Yopougon]

Autor: M, Kone, L K, Penali, S, Enoh, G M, Gershy-Damet, M, Anderson
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique (1990). 85(2)
ISSN: 0037-9085
Popis: Coprological survey involving 250 ivorian children with diarrhoea was done to evaluate the incidence of cryptosporidiosis. Crypstosporidium sp. was found in 10.4% of subjects. 76.9, 57.7 and 19.2% Cryptosporidium positive children had profuse diarrhoea, fever and pulmonary symptoms respectively. In Ivory Coast, children diarrhoeas due to cryptosporidiosis are quantitatively important.
Databáze: OpenAIRE