[Postural strategies and falls in elderly and in parkinsonism]

Autor: G, Kemoun, E, Watelain, L, Defebvre, J D, Guieu, A, Destee
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique : revue scientifique de la Societe francaise de reeducation fonctionnelle de readaptation et de medecine physique. 45(9)
ISSN: 0168-6054
Popis: To use a posture analysis to show the evolution of postural pattern connected with falls.It is a prospective study on two groups of 16 persons of more than 60 years. A group concerns 16 small disability off drug parkinsonian patients, a group concerns 16 healthy witnesses. All the persons benefited from a posture recording by means of a force platform and were followed during 1 year.Data analysis underlines three groups of persons corresponding to three postural patterns, independently of the presence of Parkinson disease. A group (n = 18) did not contain fallers, the second (n = 10 ) contained 20% of fallers, the third (n = 4) contained 100% of fallers. Differences between the groups were identified on 16 posturographic parameters.A group has a good functional value and one does not record any fall. Its characteristics, which correspond to a category of persons who compensate well for the phenomena of ageing, are found in the literature. A group has an intermediate functional value and regrets 20% of fallers. Kinetic profile reveals a tendency to the stiffness of the posture. This group is going to operate rather ankle strategies. A group has an inferior functional value and regrets 100% of fallers. Kinetic profile seems disrupted and not to be able to adapt itself in a satisfactory way to the situation otherwise than by stereotypical reactions. This group is going to operate systematically much less stabilizing hip strategies.A close determinism between physiological neuromotor ageing and Parkinson disease does exist. We showed with a prospective follow-up, the arisen of fall and showed the evolution of postural patterns related to fall. It appears as well that evolution mainly follows three stages leading from a small risk of fall gait pattern to a major risk of fall gait pattern.
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