Effect of electroconvulsions on leucocyte counts

Autor: B P, Jaju, A K, Srivastava, A K, Agarwal, B, Gupta
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Indian journal of experimental biology. 28(4)
ISSN: 0019-5189
Popis: Acute electroconvulsions (EC) induced polymorphonuclear leucocytosis with relative lymphopenia in rabbits. On daily EC challenge there was no tolerance to this response but the response was blocked by propranolol. Repeated daily administration of exogenous adrenaline or EC challenge increased basal total leucocyte and polymorph but decreased the lymphocyte counts. It is suggested that repeated exposure to exogenous adrenaline or endogenous adrenaline (through EC) somehow sensitizes the system responsible for the release of polymorphs from the bone marrow.
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