A new autologous venous valve by intimal flap. One case report

Autor: L, Corcos, G, Peruzzi, T, Procacci, T, Spina, C, Cavina, D, De Anna
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Minerva cardioangiologica. 51(4)
ISSN: 0026-4725
Popis: Various surgical techniques have been proposed for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency of post-thrombotic recanalized deep veins of the lower limbs. The preferable method seems to be represented by intravenous valvuloplasty except for the cases affected by extensive valvular damage. For this reason some experimental autologous, heterologous and prosthetic venous valves have been proposed. Such a problem emerged for 1 patient (male, aged 78 years, right limb, leg dystrophy, multiple ulcerations at the ankle) which was selected by duplex, Doppler venous pressure index, photoplethysmography and ascending phlebography. An iliac-femoral and popliteal post-thrombotic, recanalized, decompensated venous insufficiency and one Cockett's perforator incompetence were diagnosed (CEAP classification: C6s Es As2d14 Pr). A bicuspid apparently repairable popliteal valve was detected by phlebography. A traditional intravenous valvuloplasty was planned but the valve was not found at surgical exploration. A monocuspid valve reconstruction by intimal flap vein was performed. The following results were obtained and controlled after one year: stable ulceration healing, dystrophy reduction, improvement in the quality of life, normalization of the hemodynamic parameters and of the radiological morphology of the new valve. It can be concluded that monocuspid valvular repair by intimal flap can be successfully performed in cases affected by secondary valveless deep venous insufficiency of the lower limbs.
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