[The mechanism of the antiviral activity of an antiviral factor of a non-interferon nature]

Autor: N V, Gribkov, V I, Votiakov, I S, Goretskaia, T V, Vorontsova, T S, Kolesnikova, K V, Moshchik
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (11-12)
ISSN: 0372-9311
Popis: Antiviral factor (AF) of protein nature has been isolated from chick embryo fibroblasts infected with Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. The suppression of virus reproduction has been observed both in homologous and heterologous cell cultures when the preparation was introduced immediately after the adsorption of the virus after pretreatment of the cell monolayer. The study has demonstrated that the antiviral effect of AF is not linked with its IFN-alpha and TNF-alpha activity. Analysis of the results obtained in this study and earlier data contained in literature suggests that infected chick embryo fibroblasts release original cytokine of non-interferon nature with antiviral activity.
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