[Adverse effects on the respiratory system in textile printing sprayers]

Autor: A, Solé Jover, M E, b1rtínez Francés, P J, Cordero Rodríguez, J, Vallterra Musoles, V, Macián Gisbert
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Revista clinica espanola. 196(3)
ISSN: 0014-2565
Popis: To study the initial respiratory effects and those observed 18 months later after the inhalation of toxic and irritant substances in textile aerography workers.Seventeen patients (14 women and 3 men), with a mean age of 21 years (range: 18-38).Initially, pulmonary effects were assessed by pathological (transbronchial biopsy and/or video-thoracoscopy) and functional findings [spirometry with lung volumes and study of diffusion capacity of CO (DLCO)]. Eighteen months later a challenge bronchial test with histamine was performed.Forty-one per cent of patients had pathologic lesions with intraalveolar fibrin, 35% had minimal non-specific lesions, 18% bronchiolitis obliterans with organized pneumonia (BOOP) and 6% pulmonary fibrosis and BOOP. Functional respiratory test showed two patients with a slight restrictive pattern, one patient with very severe restriction and six patients with low DLCO. The challenge tests was positive for 59% of patients.After the massive inhalation of irritant and/or toxic substances, patients presented different types of pathological response at pulmonary level. In our workers histological repairing lesions--of high or low degree--were found, BOOP being the lesions observed most frequently, and different patterns of functional involvement. Fifty-nine per cent of cases developed non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity consistent with a reactive airways dysfunction syndrome.
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