Athletic Trainers' Attitudes and Judgments of Injured Athletes' Rehabilitation Adherence

Autor: Fisher, A. Craig, Mullins, Sharon A., Frye, Patricia A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1993
Popis: Certified athletic trainers (ATCs) in District 2 (n=187) of the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) were asked to complete a questionnaire that assessed the attitudes and judgments of ATCs concerning numerous factors presumed to influence sport injury rehabilitation. Gender and experience differences in ATCs' attitudes and judgments about rehabilitation adherence were examined. Successful and unsuccessful adherence strategies also were reported. The questionnaire consisted of 60 statements that were categorized into seven scales: athletic trainer's influence, environmental influences, athlete's personality, pain tolerance, selfmotivation, goals and incentives, and significant others. There were no significant differences for either gender or experience of ATCs on any of the seven scales. An analysis of questionnaire item responses revealed the following as factors ATCs deemed important to injury rehabilitation: a) good rapport and communication between the ATC and the injured athlete, b) explanation of the injury and rehabilitation regimen, c) convenience and accessibility of the rehabilitation facility, d) rehabilitation sessions planned around the athletes' busy schedules, e) athletes' beliefs that the program is worth pursuing, f) personal supervision and regular monitoring, g) need for injured athletes to see immediate results, and h) support from significant others. ATCs reported education, goal setting, encouragement, monitoring progress, and support systems as successful strategies. Threats and rehabilitation without monitoring were reported as unsuccessful strategies.
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