Discovery of Non-Nucleotide Small-Molecule STING Agonists

Autor: Emily C, Cherney, Liping, Zhang, Julian, Lo, Tram, Huynh, Donna, Wei, Vijay, Ahuja, Claude, Quesnelle, Gary L, Schieven, Alan, Futran, Gregory A, Locke, Zeyu, Lin, Laura, Monereau, Charu, Chaudhry, Jordan, Blum, Sha, Li, Mark, Fereshteh, Bifang, Li-Wang, Sanjeev, Gangwar, Chin, Pan, Colin, Chong, Xiao, Zhu, Shana L, Posy, John S, Sack, Ping, Zhang, Max, Ruzanov, Mary, Harner, Fahad, Akhtar, Gretchen M, Schroeder, Gregory, Vite, Brian, Fink
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of medicinal chemistry. 65(4)
ISSN: 1520-4804
Popis: The identification of agonists of the stimulator of interferon genes (STING) pathway has been an area of intense research due to their potential to enhance innate immune response and tumor immunogenicity in the context of immuno-oncology therapy. Initial efforts to identify STING agonists focused on the modification of 2',3'-cGAMP (
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