[Surgical correction of pectus excavatum]

Autor: D, Di Fabio, D, Bonora Ottoni, G, Mombelloni
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Minerva chirurgica. 50(4)
ISSN: 0026-4733
Popis: From 1979 to March 1993 a corrective surgical operation was performed on 14 patients with pectus excavatum. Patients' age ranged between 11 and 23, (mean value 16); 11 were males and 3 females with family history of deformities of the thoracic wall in 5 cases and scoliosis in 8. In 11 patients the defect was present at birth or during the first year of life. At present, the following examinations are carried out routinely: X-ray of the chest in the two standard positions and of the backbone, spirometry and ECG in standard conditions and under stress, Doppler echocardiogram, CT, psychomotor and intellectual behaviour test. Indication to surgery was for marked deformity and resulting cardiorespiratory physiopathologic repercussions present or expected in future. The surgical technique performed, a modification of the Ravitch procedure, was sternochondroplasty. A temporary stabilization support was added in 9 patients between the age of 16 and 23 (Rehbein plates in 3, sliding staplesplints in 6) so as to prevent secondary depressions. There were no deaths in this series. Cosmetic results were satisfactory with disappearance of a psychosomatic troubles.
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