Disease and nonbattle injury among United States soldiers deployed in Bosnia-Herzegovina during 1997: summary primary care statistics for Operation Joint Guard

Autor: K T, McKee, M G, Kortepeter, S K, Ljaamo
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Military medicine. 163(11)
ISSN: 0026-4075
Popis: Systematic surveillance of outpatient (primary care) encounters with the health care system has been performed for North Atlantic Treaty Organization coalition forces during peace-keeping operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina since 1995. The present study presents an analysis of disease and nonbattle injury (DNBI) surveillance findings for U.S. forces participating in Operation Joint Guard during 1997. The mean DNBI rate for this 1-year period was 8.1/100/week (range, 5.7-11.1/100/week). Most frequently cited causes for soldier visits to medical treatment facilities were injuries and orthopedic conditions (27%), respiratory disease (26%), miscellaneous "other" medical conditions (13%), dermatologic disorders (12%), and dental disease (10%). Gastroenteritis was infrequently seen (2% of visits). Our findings extend previous observations that indicate that the Bosnia peacekeeping mission is relatively safe and healthy for U.S. forces.
Databáze: OpenAIRE