Getting Research Published and Achieving the Highest Impact Factor

Autor: Dia Eldean, Giebaly, Fares S, Haddad
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Instructional course lectures. 66
ISSN: 0065-6895
Popis: High-quality surgical clinical trials are fundamental to the delivery of evidence-based orthopaedics; however, fewer than 1% of patients who undergo surgery worldwide are enrolled in surgical clinical trials. Advances in orthopaedic surgery depend on the creativity and innovation of researchers who investigate, develop, and execute local, national, and international surgical clinical trials, all of which will ultimately affect surgical practice and patient care. Surgeons should understand the challenges of surgical clinical trials, including identifying important research questions; getting support for ideas; establishing clinical research networks; collecting, collating, and analyzing data; as well as getting research published and achieving the highest impact factor. Surgeons also should understand how research material should be formatted and presented in a manuscript that is submitted for publication as well as the elements an editor seeks in a research manuscript.
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