[Enzymatic hydrolysates of whey protein and chicken egg ppotein: production, physical-chemical and immunochemical characteristics]

Autor: S N, Zorin, Yu S, Sidorova, V K, Mazo
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Voprosy pitaniia. 89(1)
ISSN: 0042-8833
Popis: Reducing the manifestations of food allergy by the inclusion of specialized foods in the nutrition of children and adults suffering from this disease is an important problem. The aim was to obtain and characterize in vitro food protein hydrolysates to evaluate their use in specialized foods with reduced potential allergenicity.Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and chicken egg protein (CEP) and enzymes such as pancreatin and alkalase have been used. Proteolysis of proteins was carried out in an FA-10 fermenter for 3 hours at an enzyme : substrate ratio of 1:50 in dry matter, at optimal pH and temperature for pancreatin and alkalase. Enzymes were inactivated at +75 °C and fermentolizate was ultrafiltered. The solutions were concentrated by reverse osmosis and freeze-dried. The molecular weight distribution of the peptide fractions was evaluated by HPLC. Residual antigenicity was determined by the method of indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as the fold of antigenicity reduction relative to the original protein.During WPC proteolysis with pancreatin the hydrolyzate was obtained with a fold reduction of antigenicity of 2.3×10A significant decrease in the content of high molecular weight peptides and a decrease in the antigenicity of peptide mixtures based on WPC and CEP to the values that permit their use in hypoallergenic products is achieved by combining proteolysis and double ultrafiltration through a UF10 membrane.
Databáze: OpenAIRE