[Conceptual Aspects of the Teaching Psychiatry in Colombia]

Autor: César Augusto, Arango-Dávila
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Revista colombiana de psiquiatria.
ISSN: 0034-7450
Popis: The teaching of Psychiatry in Colombia is the result of the accumulation of different conceptual streams dating back to early twentieth century and the beginning of Psychiatric study. By a way of different teaching methods, this knowledge was transferred from generation to generation to materialize into its current formation.Different key moments are recognied in the history of Psychiatry throughout the world and the introduction of these trends in Colombia, and specifically its impact on teaching.The current structure derives from French elemens of organ-dynamic Psychiatry, both conceptual and clinical, likewise, it is formed from conception kraepeliana and biologic therapies introduced from the second quarter of the last century and the psychoanalytic trend introduced since 1950.The Psychiatric Departments of Colombia form prominently in Pychiatry and are skillful in managing mental illness, with basic knowledge of pathophysiology and psychopathology, as well as good training in psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. A limitation is evident in the formation of community mental health.
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