[Identification of Chinese herbs in the Qing Royals--Fu Shen and Fu Shen Mu]

Autor: H S, Peng, X L, Guan, T, Jin, F Y, Yao, Y, Li, S Y, Yuan, L Q, Jin, Luqi, Huang
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980). 52(2)
ISSN: 0255-7053
Popis: The use of Fu Shen and Fu Shen Mu as medicines has had a long history. Today Fu Shen is still taken as bulk medicinal materials, whereas Fu Shen Mu had disappeared in the medical market. Fu Shen, Yun Fu Shen, Bai Fu Shen, and Bao Mu Fu Shen were used in clinical application in the Qing Royals. Bai Fu Shen and Fu Shen Mu are still kept as speciment in the Palace Museum today. It was found that Bai Fu Shen in the Qing Royals was the same as Fu Shen after peeling and pine roots recorded in the herbal literatures of the Ming and Qing dynasties, with their character tests and historical analysis. It can be inferred that Fu Shen, Yun Fu Shen and Bai Fu Shen recorded in the Qing Royals were actually Fu Shen, with pine roots in sclerotia and after peeling and pine roots removed in processing. Bao Mu Fu Shen and Bao Fu Shen should refer to Fu Shen with pine roots. Fu Shen Mu should mean Fu Shen without white sclerotia and peel during processing. Fu Shen, currently used clinically, is Bao Mu Fu Shen in the Qing Dynasty. Fu Shen distinguishes greatly from Fu Shen Mu in their effects. Such identification and analysis of herbs provides a way of thinking for further hurb studies of the Qing Dynasty.茯神与茯神木药用历史悠久,现在茯神仍是大宗药材商品,而茯神木已在药材市场消失。清宫医案收载的临床案例中有“茯神”“云茯神”“白茯神”“抱木茯神”等多种茯神类药物,故宫博物院尚珍藏有“白茯神”“茯神木”标本。通过对这两件药材文物进行性状鉴定,并结合史料分析,发现清宫“白茯神”与明清本草记载茯神去皮及松根相一致,可以推断清宫医案中的“茯神”“云茯神”“白茯神”等均为茯神(菌核中抱有松根)加工时去除皮与松根,“抱木茯神”“抱茯神”应指含有松根的茯神,“茯神木”则为茯神加工时去皮与白色菌核。当今临床所习用的“茯神”即清代“抱木茯神”。“茯神木”与“茯神”的功效差异很大,应明辨历史商品的本来面目,为传承和发扬清代宫廷医学,深入开展本草学研究提供支持。.
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