[Severity of aortic ring abscess complicated by cardiac conduction abnormalities]

Autor: P L, Massoure, E, Kéreun, J M, Chevalier, J M, Rigollaud, F, Bire, J, Clémenty, R, Roudaut
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Annales de cardiologie et d'angeiologie. 54(3)
ISSN: 0003-3928
Popis: To determine clinical features, management and prognosis of cardiac conduction abnormalities (CCA) complicating abscessed endocarditis.We have analysed clinical, microbiologic and echocardiographic datas, therapies and outcome of cardiac abscesses complicated by CCA in patient hospitalized between 1995 and 2001 in our centre.Above 35 cardiac abscesses, six men (mean age 62 years) had CCA complicating six aortic ring abscesses (4 on native valve and 2 on prosthetic valve) with four cases of interventricular septal involvement and fistulization. Severe heart failure is present four times, a septic cerebral embolization twice. Streptococcus and Staphylococcus prevail. Complete atrioventricular block (AVB) reveals endocarditis twice and complicates the evolution three times. Trifascicular block (first degree AVB, left anterior fascicular block and complete right bundle branch block) revealed recurrence of endocarditis. Two patients were treated medically: one died quickly (complete AVB pre-mortem), and the other one had favourable issue (paroxystic complete AVB). Four patients had surgery with temporary pacemaker in three cases (one died) then definitive pacemaker in two cases. At 26.5 month (7-50), the four survivors had no recurrence of endocarditis.Severe CCA are classical in aortic ring abscessed endocarditis and associated with increased mortality. Immediate transfert in a dentre with cardiac surgery is necessary. Definitive cardiac pacing can be performed early without leads infection.
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