Temporal course of change of depression

Autor: J T, Watkins, W R, Leber, S D, Imber, J F, Collins, I, Elkin, P A, Pilkonis, S M, Sotsky, M T, Shea, D R, Glass
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 61(5)
ISSN: 0022-006X
Popis: Two hundred fifty moderately to severely depressed outpatients were randomly assigned to 16 weeks of cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, imipramine plus clinical management (IMI-CM), or pill placebo plus clinical management. Two hundred thirty-nine patients actually began treatment. The most rapid change in depressive symptoms occurred in the IMI-CM condition, which achieved significantly better results than the other treatments at 8 and 12 weeks on 1 or more variables. Change over the course of treatment on variables hypothesized to be most specifically affected by the respective treatments was found only in the case of pharmacotherapy, in which imipramine produced significantly greater changes on the endogenous measure at 8 and 12 weeks.
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