[Course and outcomes of infectious endocarditis in HIV-infected patients]

Autor: N D, Iushchuk, P G, Filippov, M G, Filippov, M V, Nagibina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (3)
ISSN: 0372-9311
Popis: 39 patients with acute infectious endocarditis were observed; of these, 28 patients had HIV infection at different stages of the disease. The specific features of the course of acute infectious endocarditis in HIV-infected patients were established. The severe course of acute septic endocarditis was observed in those patients whose parameters of the cell-mediated immune system (cells CD4+) were in the state of compensation or subcompensation. At different stages of HIV infection different clinical syndromes of infectious endocarditis prevailed. In patients with HIV infection the combined lesions of the heart valve apparatus were observed and mixed microflora was isolated from the blood more frequently. The development of acute septic endocarditis negatively affected the course of HIV infection and was manifested by a rapid decrease in the amount of CD4 lymphocytes.
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