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Micronutrients are nutrients required by humans throughout life in small quantities to orchestrate a whole range of physiological functions, but which the human body itself cannot produce. The most important micronutrients are iron, zinc and iodine. Microelements are essential part of nutrition. Among them particular importance is attached to those micro elements that are comparatively in low quantity in the food (such as iron, iodine), Accordingly occurrence of the iodine deficiency, iron deficiency in adolescents requires particular attention so that they are duly prevented. Monitoring of the nutrition of adolescents in the present none stable economic conditions is absolutely necessary. We have studied the ration of the nutrition of the adolescents and conducted its analysis. The research was conducted in the boarding house among the adolescents (between the ages 11 and 13) in which 36 adolescents participated (22 girls and 14 boys). The results are compared to the norms of physiological requirements of the adolescents taking into account the major substances and energy. Besides that, biochemical monitoring of the Zn requirement in the adolescents has been conducted. Thus results of the clinical assessment of implementing zinc fortified tea in children's diet show convincing amount of zinc statistics in urine analysis and hair. This confirms the efficiency of zinc usage for the correction of its deficiency and convinces us that this product is recommendable for the children's diet. |