[Analysis of erythrocyturia causes in children]

Autor: V, Bochniewska, A, Goszczyk, A, Jung, J, Muszyńska, E, Straz-Zebrowska
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego. 9
ISSN: 1426-9686
Popis: The aim of this study was to assess, on the basing on clinical observation, the causes of erythrocyturia in children. The study include 438 children (214 girls and 224 boys) between 6 month and 17-teen years old with erythrocyturia, treated in Pediatric Nephrology Department from September 1992 till October 1999. The most common was the group of children with urolithiasis--162 (36.99%) and preurolithiasis state--126 (28.77%). In 153 cases urolithiasis was the only reason of erythrocyturia and in 9 children near urolithiasis the other reason (vesicouretheral reflux, urinary tract infection, glomerulitis, polycystic kidney) has been found. In 103 children the preulithiasis state was the only cause of erythrocyturia, in 23 children it was coexisted with others (vesicouretheral reflux, urinary tract infection, glomerulitis). As the more rare common causes were established vesicouretheral reflux, urinary tract infection, glomerulonephritis, in 36 children (8%) we did not find the reason of erythrocyturia. Variety of the reasons makes differential diagnostics of erythrocyturia complicated and needs experience and specialistic diagnostic investigation.
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