Characterization of Mechanical Texture Attributes of Cooked Milled Rice by Texture Profile Analyses and Unraveling Viscoelasticity Properties Through Rheometry

Autor: Rosa Paula O, Cuevas, Pawan S, Takhar, Nese, Sreenivasulu
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1892
ISSN: 1940-6029
Popis: The mechanical attributes of cooked rice grains reflected by textural characteristics capture consumers preferences. Two of these attributes such as hardness and stickiness are typically indicated in grain quality evaluation programs by the amylose content of rice. However, the association of amylose content with two other textural attributes such as cohesiveness and springiness remains unknown. Hence, texture profile analyses play a role in quantifying these mechanical parameters of texture. Rheometry on the other hand can be utilized to characterize both viscous and elastic properties of rice during cooking in a water-rice proportion closer to what consumers typically use for cooking. In this chapter, methods for texture profiling and rheometry are presented to capture inferences on cooking quality modeling. Data extracted from rice texture and viscoelastic properties that go beyond what amylose content can predict, has been deciphered through mathematical modeling, which can help predict cooking quality of new rice breeding lines to improve textural and cooking quality specifications.
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