[Crepidulospora--nomen novum for the junior generic homonym (preoccupied generic name) Crepidula]

Autor: A V, Simakova, T F, Pankova, I V, Issi
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Parazitologiia. 38(5)
ISSN: 0031-1847
Popis: Crepidulospora nom. nov. is a replacement generic name for the genus Crepidula Simakova, Pankova et Issi, 2003 based on the type species Crepidula beklemishevi Simakova, Pankova et Issi, 2003 (Microsporida) from Anopheles beklemishevi. The name proposed by Simakova et al., 2003 is a preoccupied name, because it was already used for the gastropode Crepidula Lamarque 1899 (Echinospirida, Calibraeidae), a parasite of Mytilus. A valid name of the type species of the genus is now Crepidulospora beklemishevi (Simakova, Pankova, Issi, 2003) comb. n. Crepidulospora Simakova, Pankova et Issi nom. non. Type species: Crepidula beklemishevi Simakova, Pankova, Issi, 2003. Diagnosis. Sporogony is octosporoblastic. Sporogonal stages are in direct contact with host cell cytoplasm. 8 uninucleate spores, 4.2 x 2.2 mkm, are sandals-like. Polar tube is anisofilar, with 6-7 coils (2 + 4-5). Polaroplast is three-partite, with broad vesicular, vesicular and lamellar compartments. Microsporidia ilnfects larval adipose tissues. Type host: Anopheles beklemishevi (Diptera, Culicidae).
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