[Surrogate maternity--literature review and practice]

Autor: L, Pilka, D, Rumpík, R, Pilka, M, Koudelka, L, Prudil
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Ceska gynekologie. 74(2)
ISSN: 1210-7832
Popis: This review summarizes opinions on surrogacy including internatinal and governmental organizations attitudes, as well as some religious concerns.Literature review.Reprofit International, Brno, Reproductive medicine and gynecology centre, Zlin, Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Palacky University, Olomouc.The developments in the field of assissted reproduction during the last twenty years have attracted unexpected public interest in some of its ethical and moral aspects. It is very difficult to find a uniform attitude to ethical concerns of assisted conception in plural society. Surrogate mother is defined as a woman who bears and relinquishes a child for another person.The european congress on human reproduction in Barcelona 2008 adopted following résumé on surrogacy: Public opinion has shifted to a position where surrogacy is recognized as an appropriate response to infertility in some circumstances and it is to be expected that this approach will be further strenghtened with stress on positive aspects of familiar life.
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