[Effects of the combination of nitrogen baths and physical training on physical performance and extrasystole in patients with coronary heart disease with intraventricular blocks]

Autor: S V, Klemenkov, A N, Razumov, A M, Iavisia, O B, Davydova
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury. (4)
ISSN: 0042-8787
Popis: 99 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), stable angina pectoris (functional class I-II), intraventricular blocks (IVB) took a course of general artificial nitrogen baths. Of them, 31 patients took the baths alone; 35 patients, in addition, exercised on veloergometer; 33 patients took baths and continued physical training up to 6 months. The results of the treatment were assessed with spiroveloergometry, ambulatory Holter ECG monitoring. Those who took baths and exercised for 6 months benefited from the treatment most as their muscular performance and coronary heart reserve increased; mean daily number of ventricular extrasystoles reduced by 73.3%, supraventricular extrasystoles--by 72.2%; intraventricular conduction was not damaged.
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