[The origin of resistance to chemicals of naturally occurring isolates of influenza A virus]

Autor: K N, Kozeletskaia, V A, Karginov, O I, Kiseleva, V P, Mishin, E B, Grinbaum, V V, Burmistrova
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk. (9)
ISSN: 0869-6047
Popis: The mechanisms responsible for the formation of resistance of influenza A virus isolates during the natural circulation of the influenza viruses in the environment were studied. The influenza viruses H1N1 and H3N2 resistant to remantadine, adapromine, and deitiforine have been isolated in the USSR and Mongolia since 1982. The majority of natural resistant isolates appeared to be atypical both in antigenic properties and genomic structure as compared to the isolates prevalent in the common epidemic process. The nucleotide sequences of the M2 gene of some resistant strains and virus A/PR8/34 used in our country as an attenuation donor for preparation of killed recombinant vaccines. The electrophoretic mobility of genomic RNA of two resistant isolates is similar to that of the vaccine strain X-54 based on the virus A/PR/8/34. In this connection, the appearance of resistant strains in the environment may be due not only to spontaneous mutagenesis or selective drug actions, but also to the involvement into the circulation of vaccinal strains.
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