[Case report of ultrasonographic findings in developing choriocarcinoma]

Autor: Branka, Nikolić, Jelena, Lazić, Vesna, Lacković
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Medicinski arhiv. 60(4)
Popis: Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasm (GTN) develops from fetal tissue with risk of malignancy after complete hydatidiform mole of 20%.This is a case report of progressive destruction of uterine tissue in 43 years old patient caused with developing Choriocarcinoma three months after legal abortion. Severe changes in uterine structure as multiple anechogenic foci of destruction were found during transvaginal Doppler ultrasound examination. Hypervacularisation in malignant trophoblastic tissue with low Resistance index values (0,397-0,471) were also detected during transvaginal Doppler ultrasonography. Ultrasonographic picture significantly changed in two months followed with serum human chorionic gonadotropine increasing rate. Operative treatment performed and polychemotherapy administrated. Postoperative hystological examination confirmed Choriocarcinoma.The most relevant parameter in making GTN diagnose is serum human chorionic gonadotropine level. This case of choriocarcinoma showes that ultrasonographic changes can sometimes bee more progressive than expected value of serum hCG according to those findings. Transvaginal Doppler ultrasonographic findings must be compared with changes in serum human chorionic gonadotropine values and hystological findings.Choriocarcinoma is not easy to detect ultrasonographicaly but in some cases ultrasonographic picture can be specific for the case as one of numerous ultrasonographic models choriocarcinoma can appear in.
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