Oxidative stress and antioxidant therapy in traumatic spinal cord injuries

Autor: Bedreag, Ovidiu Horea, Rogobete, Alexandru Florin, Sărăndan, Mirela, Cradigati, Alina, Păpurică, Marius, Roşu, Oana Maria, Dumbuleu, Corina Maria, Săndesc, Dorel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is often accompanied by motor, vegetative and sensitive dysfunctions that can significantly decrease the chance of the complete recovery of the patients. The pathophysiological implication of these dysfunctions is represented by the increased production of the reactive species that are extremely aggressive to the surrounding tissue. The combination of massive production of free radicals, low concentration of antioxidants and the hypermetabolism present in patients with SCI leads to enhancement of the oxidative stress. Current studies are focused on several biological active compounds that are able to reduce the effects of free radicals - tissue necrosis, inflammation, infection, apoptosis. In this paper, the mechanism of the action of several biological active compounds that are able to significantly reduce oxidative stress in critical patients with spinal cord injury is presented.Leziunile măduvei spinării sunt adesea acompaniate de disfuncţii motorii, vegetative şi senzitive care conduc la scăderea semnificativă a şanselor de recuperare a pacienţilor cu traume severe. Implicaţiile fiziopatologice sunt reprezentate de biosinteza speciilor reactive cu efect extrem de agresiv asupra ţesutului din jur. Coroborarea producţiei masive de radicali liberi cu scăderea concentraţiei de antioxidanţi şi hipermetabolismul prezent la pacienţii critici conduce la instalarea stresului oxidativ.Cercetarea actuală se concentrează asupra acţiunii unei serii de compuşi biologic activi capabili să reducă efectele radicalilor liberi asupra necrozei tisulare, inflamaţiilor sau apoptozei celulare. În această lucrare de actualizare este prezentat mecanismul de acţiune a compuşilor biologic activi capabili să reducă semnificativ stresul oxidativ la pacienţii critici cu leziuni medulare.
Databáze: OpenAIRE