[Clinical and X-ray characteristics of tuberculosis in adults and children and reasons for its late detection]

Autor: A V, Kozlova, L M, Moiseenko, O F, Kozlova, N V, Karnaukhina, A V, Chelidze, Z A, Permiakova, N G, Beloborodova
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Problemy tuberkuleza. (1)
ISSN: 0032-9533
Popis: The authors' findings suggest that the clinical pattern of tuberculosis morbidity in adults and children has recently become worse. Severe caseous pneumonia with its acute onset and malignant course by the type of galloping consumption with massive bacterial isolation and deaths in 42.8% of cases was analyzed. The complicated course mainly of the primary tuberculosis complex (40.8%) and tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes was seen in 25% of ill children. Tuberculous meningitis was diagnosed in 20% of cases in the morbidity pattern of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The reasons for late detection of disease are the poor organization of prophylactic fluorographic examinations of the adult population, tuberculin diagnosis, vaccination, revaccination of BCG and chemoprophylaxis in children at risk. The authors note unawareness of tuberculosis among the adult population, which was found through questionnaires.
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