Clr-f expression regulates kidney immune and metabolic homeostasis

Autor: Haggag S, Zein, Elias, Abou-Samra, Michal, Scur, Alex, Gutsol, Clayton W, Hall, Bishal, Dasgupta, Lara, Gharibeh, Turki, Abujamel, Daniel, Medina-Luna, Gayani S, Gamage, Tessa J, Pelino, Mona, Nemer, Mir Munir A, Rahim, Alexander, Steinle, Brendon D, Parsons, Andrew P, Makrigiannis
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Scientific reports. 12(1)
ISSN: 2045-2322
Popis: The C-type lectin-related protein, Clr-f, encoded by Clec2h in the mouse NK gene complex (NKC), is a member of a family of immune regulatory lectins that guide immune responses at distinct tissues of the body. Clr-f is highly expressed in the kidney; however, its activity in this organ is unknown. To assess the requirement for Clr-f in kidney health and function, we generated a Clr-f-deficient mouse (Clr-f
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