[Comparative toxicity of photosensitizers in varying destruction]

Autor: O O, Sinitsina, Z I, Zholdakova, E E, Poliakova, E N, Golovach, L P, Sycheva, N N, Beliaeva, N A, Kuznetsova
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Gigiena i sanitariia. (5)
ISSN: 0016-9900
Popis: The toxicity of the photosensitizers proflavine acetate (PA) versus methylene blue (MB) was evaluated during their varying destruction. Under the influence of visible light, a partial (25%) transformation of the photosensitizers was shown to be attended by their enhanced toxicity and 100% destruction of the parent substances caused a reduction in their hazard. PA and its phototransformation products mainly affect the antiperoxide protection system and the structural and functional states of the liver, kidney, and duodenum. The maximum noneffective dose is 0.002 mg/kg. The possibility of using PA for water disinfection depends on the ratio of safe and effective concentrations. A partial (25%) MB destruction products cause mutagenic effects; the permissible dose of the mutagen is 0.00025 mg/kg. MB is not recommended for disinfection of all types of waters.
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