[The causes of cerebral complications in patients with ischemic heart disease following myocardial revascularization operations]

Autor: V P, Kertsman, E B, Kuperberg, R A, Serov, Iu M, Botnar', I P, Shvarts, Z V, Bakhutashvili, I K, Karelidis
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Grudnaia i serdechno-sosudistaia khirurgiia. (9-10)
ISSN: 0236-2791
Popis: In the period from Jan. 1988 to Jan. 1991 operations for the formation of an aortocoronary shunt were carried out in 437 patients at the Department of Combined Affections of the Coronary and Peripheral Arteries, Bakulev Research Institute. In some cases the operation was combined with resection of a postinfarction aneurysm of the left ventricle. Cerebral complications developed in the postoperative period in 28 (6.4%) patients. Their analysis showed the prevalence of severe forms of consciousness disturbances: coma and comatose states were encountered in 85.7% of cases. The main causes of the complications were acute heart failure (64.3%) and arterial embolism (14.3%). In only one case concomitant affection of the branches of the aortic arch was found to be the main cause of the development of a transitory ischemic attack. It is concluded that the development of acute heart failure in the patients may sharply increase the incidence of neurologic complications.
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