[Some Approaches to Activation of Antitumor Resistance Mechanisms and Functional Analogs in Categories of Synergetics]

Autor: G v, Zhukova, A I, Shikhliarova, A V, Soldatov, T A, Barteneva, V I, Petrosian, T N, Gudtskova, M I, Bragina, O E, Polozhentsev, E A, Sheiko, N M, Maschenko, E A, Shirnina, E Yu, Zlatnik, T A, Kurkina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Biofizika. 61(2)
ISSN: 0006-3029
Popis: This paper briefly reviews the ways of activation of the antitumor resistance mechanisms developed on the basis of the concept of the periodic system of general nonspecific adaptational reactions of the body. The principles of the formation of effective influences by electromagnetic radiation using biologically active substances are described. A comparison of the criteria and conceptions of the theory of adaptational reactions to some concepts and categories of synergetics is made. The features of dynamics of the studied parameters upon effective influences are considered. Antistress nature of the systemic effects of ferromagnetic nanoparticles on tumor bearing animals is shown. The, possible mechanisms of regression of large tumor under the influence of two different factors--modulated electromagnetic radiation and magnetite nanoparticles--are discussed. The cases of a change of the order parameter in connection with the development of antistress areactivity and regression of experimental tumors under the influence of the combined electromagnetic impact are analyzed.
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