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Quantitative study on effects of roads on suitable breeding habitats of wildlife is one of topics that need in-depth research in road ecology. Crested ibis (Nipponia nippon), a first class nationally protected bird species, is the species of interest in this research. Using the Maximum Entropy Models (MaxEnt) in the Species Distribution Model (SDM) toolbox of ArcGIS, autocorrelation of environmental variables were analyzed and environmental variables with r0.8 were removed. Ten environmental variables were chosen as impact factors for the breeding habitat of crested ibis, including mean temperature of coldest quarter, landscape type, normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI), slope, aspect, distance to waters, distance to paddy field, distance to high-grade roads (expressway, national way, provincial way), and distance to low-grade roads (country road). By analyzing the contribution rate of each environmental variable, the results showed that the mean temperature of coldest quarter, landscape type, distance to paddy field, and distance to high-grade roads were the main factors determining breeding habitat of crested ibis. The suitable distribution of crested ibis' nesting area was under the following scenarios: variable road present (scenario1), high-grade road absent (scenario2), and low-grade road absent (scenario 3). The results showed that the presence of roads affected suitable nesting areas of crested ibis with high-grade roads showing a larger influence than low-grade roads. The presence of high-grade roads and low-grade roads decreased the suitable nesting areas of crested ibis by 66.23 and 35.69 km道路对野生动物适宜繁殖地影响的定量研究是目前道路生态学领域有待深入的内容之一.本文以国家一级保护动物朱鹮为研究对象,利用物种分布模型(SDM)中MaxEnt模型,通过对影响朱鹮繁殖地的环境变量进行自相关分析,剔除自相关系数大于0.8的环境变量,最终选择了10个环境变量为朱鹮繁殖地的影响因子,分别为最冷季度平均气温、景观类型、归一化植被指数、坡度、坡向、距水体距离、距水田距离、距高等级公路(县级及以上道路)距离、距低等级公路(乡镇和林间道路)距离、距居住地距离.通过对环境变量的贡献率进行分析表明: 最冷季度平均气温、景观类型以及距水田距离、距高等级公路距离是影响朱鹮筑巢的主要因子.分别研究了含道路变量(情景Ⅰ)、不含高等级公路(情景Ⅱ)以及不含低等级公路(情景Ⅲ)3种情景下朱鹮繁殖地适宜区分布.结果表明:道路对朱鹮繁殖地干扰影响显著,高等级公路的影响比低等级公路大,高等级公路和低等级公路的存在分别使朱鹮繁殖地适宜区的面积减小了66.23和35.69 km |