[The health condition of workers of enterprises with different level of ecological pollution]

Autor: N I, Medvedkova, V D, Medvedkov, S V, Ashirova
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny. (5)
ISSN: 0869-866X
Popis: The article considers the functional conditions of organism of workers depending on the location of enterprise. The dependencies of values of indicators of functional conditions and health on different enterprises from ecological pollution of their locations are established The subjective opinion of workers concerning their health conditions and capacity for work was found out. The relationship between workers' morbidity and percentage of persons systematically engaged in physical training is determined. The prospective decrease of morbidity of workers of enterprises was calculated for case of 100% coverage of all working persons with physical training
Databáze: OpenAIRE