[An overview of the evaluation of nursing graduation courses]

Autor: David, Lopes Neto, Elizabeth, Teixeira, Euclea Gomes, Vale, Fátima Scarparo, Cunha, Iara de Moraes, Xavier, Josicléia Dumêt, Fernandes, Kaneji, Shiratori, Kenia Schmidt, Reibnitz, Mara Regina Lemes, de Sordi, Márcia, Barbieri, Maria Inês Brandão, Bocardi
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Revista brasileira de enfermagem. 61(1)
ISSN: 0034-7167
Popis: This study aimed, starting from the index of adherence of the Pedagogical Projects of the Undergraduate Nursing Courses to the National Curriculum Rules for these Courses, to analyze qualitatively potentialities and weak points of the courses. It is a descriptive, comparative study, between the present data in the PP/UNC and the proposed in the NCR/UNC, having as basis the reports of the evaluation processes conducted by the INEP/MEC. The sample was composed by the reports used for approval and reapproval, conducted in the period from 2002 through 2006, concerning 12 undergraduate courses. One analyzed 8 courses located in the superior part and 4 in the inferior. The study revealed strong and weak points of the courses in the three dimensions of the evaluation reports, and shows needs in the colleges/courses to search for a better use of the epistemologic bases present in the NCR/UNC and proposed in the PP/UNC.
Databáze: OpenAIRE