[Effect of lidocaine and lidocaine with adrenaline on development of cerebral seizures]

Autor: N A, Tsilosani, Z I, Nanobashvili, G Sh, Azikuri, G L, Bekaia
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Georgian medical news. (134)
ISSN: 1512-0112
Popis: Experiments were carried out on male albino rats of 200-250 g weight with bipolar electrodes implanted in neocortex, as well as in the right and the left dorsal hippocampus for the study of the effect of lidocaine and its combination with adrenaline on the electric activity of brain. On the fifth day from the implantation in the first group of animals 0,3 ml 2% lidocaine was injected intra-peritoneally and the electric activity from the above mentioned structures was registered. In the second group 0,3 ml 2% lidocaine with adrenaline was injected intra-peritoneally (1:100000). In 8-12 sec after injection in the first group of animals the encephalogram showed sharply defined clone type seizure activity, which soon obtained tonus character. Simultaneously clone-tonus type behavioural manifestation was revealed, which lasted for 20-25 minutes. In the second group of animals in 30-40 sec after injection the encephalogram revealed convulsion activity with high amplitude synchronous oscillations, which lasted for 20-25 minutes, although in this group, in distinct from the first group, no clone-tonus behavioural manifestation was detected.
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