[Acute respiratory syndromes caused by viruses in a pediatric department. Clinical and epidemiological studies of a series of cases admitted in the period from February to May, 1979]

Autor: M L, Tanzi, G, Sansebastiano, S, Cavàlieri, U, Bracchi, L, Landucci Rubini, F, Casa, G, Benaglia, G, Montanarini
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Annali Sclavo; rivista di microbiologia e di immunologia. 23(1)
Popis: In the period between February and May 1979, in concomitance with a sharp increase in admittance to the pediatric Division of the Parma General Hospital for acute respiratory infections, we carried out a virologic and serologic investigation on hospitalized children aged 21 days-12 years. The investigation was carried out on 137 patients with respiratory diseases: 33 with bronchiolitis, which occurred mainly (32/33) between February and March in children that were prevalently (30/33) in the first year of life; 27 with upper respiratory tract infections; 54 with mid respiratory tract infections; 23 with pneumonia. Forty-eight controls (without respiratory infections) were also investigated. In the months of February and March there was a high circulation of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): throughout the entire period there was a lower incidence of Adenovirus infections and more uniformly distributed.
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