['Astasia-abasia,' unilateral left-sided apraxia, and touch disorders in an astrocytoma of the corpus callosum. A clinico-pathological report]

Autor: C, Laroche, A, Buge, R, Escourolle, R, Caquet, G, Festal, G, Rancurel
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Annales de medecine interne. 127(1)
ISSN: 0003-410X
Popis: The authors report the case of a 55 year old woman suffering from an astrocytoma of the corpus callosum, probably originating in the middle part of the commissure and subsequently involving the whole structure, beyond which it extended very little. They describe the symptoms and signs, consisting initially of a progressive isolated astasia-abasia, in the absence of any psychological disturbance, and subsequently consisting of an apraxic disorganisation involving particularly gestural activity of the left upper limb. They discuss the significance of the psychological disturbances and problems of stasis and walking classically described in relation to tumoural pathology of the corpus callosum, generally attributed to an associated pre-frontal involvement. They review the principal features the "callosal disconnection syndrome" of which their patient constituted an example.
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